For the safety of all road users, including passengers, drivers, and pedestrians, driving carefully in the rain is imperative. Because rain frequently makes roads slick and reduces visibility, the likelihood of traffic accidents increases. It might help to raise awareness and make roads safer to know the truth about the dangers of driving in the rain. There have been several recent days of heavy rain, and many of these incidents demonstrate how the risk of accidents is significantly enhanced by the rain, highlighting the need for extra caution on the part of drivers in these situations. The fact that wet-weather accidents result in thousands of injuries and fatalities every year emphasizes the severity of this problem even more.

Several danger issues associated with driving in the rainy season will be discussed in this blog. Driving in the rain can be unsafe for a variety of reasons, with the following enhanced risks:

Low visibility: It might be challenging to see across a road in the rain, especially in severe weather. As a result, it is more challenging for drivers to see other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential hazards. Wet roads may also result in headlight and illumination glare, which further reduces visibility.

Reduced traction: A more slippery road surface is created when rain water combines with oil, dirt, and other elements on the road. The chance of hydroplaning or skidding, in which the automobile loses control and slides erratically, increases as a result, which reduces the tyres’ traction on the road.

Longer braking distances: It takes longer to come to a complete stop on wet roads. This suggests that, if they have to brake quickly, a driver might not be able to stop in time to avoid an accident.

Increased risk of aquaplaning: Hydroplaning, which can cause traction loss and possibly out-of-control skidding, occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tyres and the road. Aquaplaning is more likely to occur when there is a lot of rain and when moving at a faster speed.

Malfunctioning auto parts: Rain and moisture can make electrical components in a car cease performing properly, which can lead to brake, headlight, or windscreen wiper performance issues or complete failure.

Reduced predictability: Rainy weather can cause drivers to act in ways that are unpredictable due to reduced vision, longer braking distances, and the stress of driving in the rain. As a result, there may be more accidents and unpredictable driving.

Flooding: Heavy rain-induced flooding can impede vehicles and make it difficult to estimate the amount of standing water. It might be dangerous to drive in flooded areas because stalled or swept away vehicles happen frequently. Additionally, a car’s electrical and engine components can suffer severe damage when it is driven through water.

Wind: Rainstorms can occasionally be accompanied by strong gusts, which can make it challenging for a car to stay in balance, especially while driving quickly or on elevated roads and bridges. Crosswinds can make it challenging for drivers to maintain control of their vehicles, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Even experienced drivers may find driving in the rain challenging and occasionally dangerous. Drive carefully and modify your driving style to the road conditions because slippery surfaces can impair grip, dim sight, and increase the risk of hydroplaning.

Follow us for our next blog post on safe driving tips in the rain to learn a variety of driving tips and techniques.

NIST Global – Defensive Training

NIST Global provides defensive driving training to businesses, professions, and other groups whose staff members might need to improve their driving abilities to prevent accidents or harm on the road. Delegates who receive defensive driving instruction are better able to understand traffic laws, safe driving practises, and fundamental auto mechanics. By anticipating potentially hazardous situations, bad weather, and driving errors, the online defensive driving course aims to reduce risk.

For further details about Defensive Driving Training, kindly contact our client servicing team @ +91 8754465588 /